This time of year, most of us tend to think...ok, starting January 1st, I'm going to lose ______ pounds, eat healthier, take time for _______, do this and that. There is nothing wrong in any of those things, especially in setting goals for yourself. The only problem is, at least for me, I set these goals and have no one to encourage me, no accountability and they just end up by the wayside. I'm sure this is not a problem for anyone else, right? That's what I thought. We all struggle to hold strong to our goals and resolutions that the new year always brings. That's why I am partnering up with 2 beautiful women (who are also NC State grads, can't go wrong there :) to offer you the opportunity to join us in the 21 Day Challenge. I, along with Leslie from The Dearmans and Amy from Fit New Mama, are linking up to pose the 21 day challenge to work on holistic goals, including spiritual and physical health. This is an opportunity for us to join together as one community to encourage each other in 2012! Doesn't that sound like a fun way to start off the new year. We can all do 21 days...that is only 3 weeks!
First and foremost, to start off our new year, we need to seek our Lord. This past fall, Leslie went through the book How to Pray in 28 Days by Kay Arther and it sparked the idea behind this whole thing. She began thinking of the importance for us to pray, pray specifically, pray correctly, and pray together as believers. I am also going to work on this through the new year. Praying for each other and praying consistently are two things I definitely want to work on. In order to do this we have formed a group through that we would love for you all to join. It will include 21 days of scripture that focuses on prayer, whether through examples or by what Christ has to say about prayer. I can't think of a better way to bring in 2012 than by praying specifically for our walks with Christ, our family, our friends, our nation, and for others to know Him.
Secondly, lets get our bodies in check, physically and nutritionally. I'm not asking you to lose a pound or stop eating _______, but to serve the Lord in this aspect of your life. Whether you are a mom, sister, friend, wife or whatever, we all have a reason to live a healthy lifestyle. We will be using You can set your own goals whatever they may be and make it a priority to be healthy. After all, we all know what a marriage does for our waistlines, just me, ok fine.
Who knows maybe we will be one strong accountability community!!! you are in right???
All you need to do is leave a comment including your name and email address to show us that you are interested in joining us for this 3 week journey through spiritual and bodily health. Feel free to list this on your blog as well to get others involved and be sure to add our button to your post, found above. No matter where you are in life, let's bring in the New Year together! After all it is only 21 days

*Partnering with Amy at Fit New Mama and Leslie at The Dearmans.*

This sounds like a fabulous idea! I would love to join in!
What a great idea! :)
I was just thinking today that getting closer to God would be one of resolutions! I LOVE this idea, glad I found your blog! Ill be sure to post about this either today/ tomorrow..
Here is my email
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