Today my sweet husband came up with the brilliant idea to go strawberry picking. He is so sweet because he knows how easily I get bored and he tries to come up with ways to entertain me. Since strawberry season came early this year, we were able to go. We headed out to a small town nearby in South Carolina. Before going to the farm we ate lunch at my favorite deli, which I never get to go to because it is about 35 minutes from our house, but since it was near the strawberry farm I got to treat myself. Needless to say, my tummy was very happy. After a delicious lunch we drove over to the farm. It was only $10 to pick an entire gallon of strawberries. It was so much fun to pick the sweet fruit and I had to restrain myself from eating them straight off the plant. The smell was incredible. By the way, a gallon strawberries is a TON of strawberries. We are going to be eating strawberries with every meal for the next week at least.

Once we finished picking our gallon of berries we headed back to the little farmer's market that the farm owns and got some homemade strawberry ice cream. It was divine. It was a great day spent in the sunshine with my love. Much better than sitting on the couch or playing Draw Something on the phone for hours on end. Now I just need to find some yummy strawberry recipes, Pinterest here I come!
Looks amazingly yummy! Beautiful pictures too.
xoxo Miss ALK
PS I'll be posting your interview soon on my blog- sorry that it took me so long! Life has been crazy lately and I haven't been a very good blogger... :-P
Hi sweet lady! I found your blog via .turning pages. and am SO GLAD that I did! I love finding sisters in Christ who blog; it's truly like finding a diamond in the rough. I'm your newest follower! xoxo
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